Accuracy is everything when you’re talking about harp harmonics.

So, when you’re practicing these next few lessons you’ll want to remember to maintain a relaxed technique so your hand stays in place.

It’s very easy to let the real notes overpower the harmonics.

To get the effect we’re going for, you need to balance out the volume of these real notes and harmonics.

Example 1 will get you used to cascading real notes with harmonics. You’ll start with a normal finger pattern and quickly begin the harmonic sequence.

The pattern ends with a normal finger pattern again. This makes for a long sequence pattern that nestles the harmonics in the middle of the phrase.



Example 2 will apply what you learned in Example 1 and apply it to a chord.

For this example, you’ll need to outline the chord shape an octave higher on the fingerboard. Practice this slow and balance the volume through the phrase.



Want To Learn More …

If you enjoy acoustic guitar and have always been fascinated by the technique…

… then learning the advanced techniques can only improve your playing further.

By learning advanced techniques will not just apply to acoustic guitar but you will find other techniques you have been struggling with become easier to understand.

It gives you a platform to branch out and take your playing to the next level. To be successful it requires a careful and structured approach to learning how to play advanced acoustic guitar.

We have taken this into account and created a structured guide called “Acoustic Mastery 2.0”.

We have a real life guitar tutor who helps us create these courses because he knows first hand what techniques and in what order you need to learn them to be successful at learning advanced acoustic guitar.